Saturday, August 20, 2011
Two Sales
Friday, July 1, 2011
Portfolio as at end-June 2011
Sold: China Taisan
China Taisan is sold due to its poor Q1 results.
Bought: Sabana Reit
Intiate a stake in Sabana as it provides around 9.5% dividend yield.
Added: Qingmei, Leader Environment, Heeton and Eratat,
Leader is added after its good Q1 results. Qingmei is added a few times at various price points as its price slides. Eratat is added twice recently when its price goes below $0.18. Both Eratat and Qingmei are added because the lowered prices offer better value to me.
I have re-purchased a portion of the Heeton shares that I have sold earlier, as I think that the government measures may not have that large impact on high-end property prices. In view of possible new government measures, I have not bought more property stocks. As the CEO has personally bought more Heeton shares recently, hopefully this counter will turn out well.
Portfolio composition:
Qingmei and Eratat are my largest shareholdings.
My year-to-date returns has worsen to -28.4%. Nonetheless, I can live with the loss, as I know that I will have large drawdowns at times. The occassionally large drawdawns are because I run a concentrated portfolio.
Having a concentrated portfolio implies that I am aiming for more returns at the expense of higher risk. This high risk/hopefully higher rewards approach is my personal preference.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Portfolio as at End March 2011
AIMSAMPREIT, China Taisan, Eratat, Heeton, Hongwei, Leader Environment, Qingmei, Techcomp
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Market on Sale
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Most Valuable Books
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Portfolio as at end Dec 2010
Guocoleisure, Eratat, Heeton, Hiap Hoe, Techcomp, Qingmei
Monday, January 3, 2011
Book Review: The Age of the Infovore
Book Review: The Age of the Infovore
‘The Age of the Infovore’ is written by Tyler Cowen, an economics professor. The book is available in NLB.
This book is thought-provoking but frustrating to read. The book belongs to those categories of books that read like a boomerang. That is, the book does not conclude or drill down to a few points. Rather, it keeps on expanding your perspective. The book may be easier on the mind, if the author treats each chapter as separate pieces and not as pieces relating to autistic strengths.
Anyway, the interesting points:
a) Autism’s cognitive strengths include:
i) strong in ordering knowledge in preferred domains
ii) strong in observing small pieces of information in preferred domains
b) These strengths are relevant to our internet world, when we see that large amounts of information are being ordered and processed to meaningful bits. For example, our favourite bookmakrs, Google search, Facebook, Twitter etc.
c) When access is easy, we prefer the short, small version. When access is difficult, we prefer the extravagances and masterpieces. For instance, if we are going to travel long distances for something, that something have to be worth our travelling time and while. However, when access is easy, we want to try more new stuffs. To try more new stuff, the new stuffs have to be smaller, so that they can be accomplished with less time.
d) Education can be consumed online without face-to-face interaction. However, online education is not well-received. This is because we prefer to have face-to-face interaction (e.g. attend lectures, attend tutorials). Having face-to-face interaction and people around us may help us better focus and be more motivated to absorb the knowledge.
e) Sherlock Holmes seems to be an autistic.
f) There is neuro-diversity around. Hence different people may have different taste for art, music and different ways of perception.
g) A country with a culture that tends to obey rules and follow unspoken codes tends to be more successful economically.
Jan 25 Update
Purchases Barrick Gold: Bought small stake due to exercise of sold put options. Sold all subsequently, as it was a mistake to buy Barrick Go...
Well, I guess I may have done it again. I may have succumbed to the falling market and my over-cautious mood last week. I have sold C&G,...
Here, I shall provide answers to two issues I have raised two years ago. First, in my Dec 2007 book review, I have asked given the similarit...
Looking at the STI over the past few trading days, it certainly seems to be a perfect storm with YTD losses of around 8%. As Buffett has sai...