Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Half-Year After Fire

I have FIRE (Finanal Independent, Retired Early) around 6 months ago. Below are some thoughts in Q&A form.

1) What's your FIRE number? How do you determine that you can FIRE?

The famous 4% rule notes that you are finanally independant if your net assets are 25x of your annual expenses. Some people postulates that 4% is risky and prefers 3.25% or 3% (= 33x your annual expenses). 

A lower parameter is safer e.g. 2% (50x annual expenses) is safer than 4% (25x)

For me, I feel that I can FIRE, when my net assets reach certain number or parameter that I am comfortable with. 

2) How did you reach your number? 

My expenses are low (as I am single). So I saved a lot, and my wage is above average. 

Over half of my assets (including CPF OA/SA) are in shares, which gives higher returns than cash.

3) What's life after FIRE?

I have more freedom in my time. 

I can wake up later than usual. I can travel overseas in those months which was my peak period in work in the past. 

I can spend more time gaming, reading web-novels, watching serials, watching Youtube etc. 

I can spend more time trying to be a better investor. 

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