1) Total Asset Growth
Total asset growth is 25% this year, mainly boosted by equity returns. As I stopped working in 2023, there is no wage income this year.

2) Asset Composition / Allocation
Allocation-wise, I stick to mainly 60% equities - 40% non-equities over the years.
| Cash | Monies in CPF | Fixed Deposit / T-Bills / Bond ETFs* | Stocks* |
2019 | 12% | 23% | 8% | 57% |
2020 | 9% | 23% | 2% | 66% |
2021 | 13% | 21% | 4% | 61% |
2022 | 12% | 22% | 11% | 55% |
2023 | 7% | 9% | 21% | 63% |
2024 | 11% | 11% | 18% | 59% |
*Including those bought using SRS / CPF | | | |
This year, the equities allocation has dropped, as I divested my world index fund holdings around Aug 2024. Monies in CPF holdings rose, as I did not buy further T-bill after earlier T-bills bought via CPF earlier matured.
My stocks are broken down into 2-3 parts. CPF-OA Stock Portfolio rose due to CPF funds used to buy Reits and Reits ETF.
| Stocks |
| Stock Portfolio (Cash) | SRS / CPF-OA Stock Portfolio | Index ETF (Cash) |
2022 | 73% | 11% | 17% |
2023 | 74% | 11% | 16% |
2024 | 85% | 15% | 0% |
3) Stock Portfolio (Cash) Return
This year's return is 45%, outperforming STI and IWDA. The outperformance is mainly due to HK market's good performance this year.
Year | % Returns | STI (incl Dividends) | IWDA ETF |
2020 | 3.6% | -7.5% | 16.5% |
2021 | 14.7% | 12.5% | 22.9% |
2022 | -13.7% | 7.6% | -18.6% |
2023 | 4.5% | 4.0% | 24.5% |
2024 | 45.2% | 21.9% | 27.1% |
3.1) Composition
HK shares form the bulk of the portfolio. The 'other stocks' refer to LVMH.
I also split the stocks by type or reason for buying it. 'Hedging' refer to CNOOC and Barrick Gold bought as slight hedge against inflation.
3.2) Position Sizing
My number of positions are relatively unchanged, while the Top 10 concentration dropped to 58%.
| Number of Stocks | Top 10 position size |
At end 2016 | 21 | |
At end 2020 | 39 | 46% |
At end 2021 | 19 | 71% |
At end 2022 | 18 | 72% |
At end 2023 | 24 | 68% |
At end 2024 | 25 | 58% |
My top 5 positions are as followed.
12% | Tencent |
8% | Ping An |
7% | Plower Bay Tech |
6% | FUTU |
6% | Yum China |
3.3) Slight update at end of year
Barrick Gold, bought at $16.75, due to exercise of sold put option. The position is small and it is bought as hedge against inflation.
Shanghai Conant, sold all at $22. Its share price has run up recently from $15 to $22, due to its involvement in AR/VR glasses. Decide to take profit, as the price seems a bit expensive and it is not a core holding.
4) Thoughts for 2025
Based on past history, after 1-2 good years of returns, my stock portfolio will suffer some negative drawdown the following year.
Hence, after a good 40+% stock portfolio returns in 2024, there's a chance of negative return in 2025. Nonetheless, I feel that HK market should have some upside in 2025, given the negativity in last few years, esp if Chinese govt can roll out large fiscal stimulus and stabilise its real estate market.
If 2025 also provides good stock returns, the chances of negative returns in 2026 rose signficantly and it may be prudent to increase allocation to non-equities in end-2025.